

My name is Tom Rolvers, Security consultant at Yellow Arrow in the Netherlands.

In my daily job as security consultant I come across allot of Microsoft Security products. It became a hobby, later a passion and now I am enjoying the fullest working with al sorts of new tools, techniques and software to make our digital worlds more secure.

In my spare time I like to ride my bike, enjoy beers, whiskeys and play around on the web! Such as Hack the Box, Try hack me, malware analysis, Homelabbing and many other enjoyable things the world wide web has to offer.

This website is built to take you along my journey across a variety of Microsoft related products such as Defender, Sentinel, Microsoft 365 and many other. My goal is to write all the elements I learn and discover and share my experience with you, the reader! Learning is our most gifted thing in life, so let’s use it for the best 😊

🤖 Stay Secure! 🤖

Disclaimer: Although I will always do my utmost best trying to deliver a well written post with useful information. I do want to mention that Microsoft updates are very common. Products tend to change and the advice is to always test any changes you make before you go into production.